2024 - After the long travel from Austria to Ghana we reached Akona Nkwanta where we rented a house since last year that will become the first workshop and training facility Café - The KLM Ghana Headquaters and Sanctuary aka Agona Culture & Art Center is a gathering place for art, education and intercultural exchange, with the right equipment to learn and use different crafting skills, tree working & gardening, cooking & hospitality to renovate and build up the house and the property and to run the KLM Cafe and the furniture workshop. The interior of the house is still not finished so in May 2024 we tiled the corridor and bathroom and installed a toilet seat flushing into a bio-digestable sink. We painted the brick walls in white and paved for the start the rest of the floors in concrete. There are 3 rooms to lodge, a spacious workshop and a living room kitchen. A veranda leads to the outdoor area with plenty space for the Café guest garden, outdoor events and more..